
D&C 81:5 - "Wherefore, be faithful; stand in the office which I have appointed unto you; succor the weak, lift up the hands which hang down, and stengthen the feeble knees."

It's been a crazy eventful week. And today is amazing. It's over 50 and it's sunny. Thank you Zwolle. Lots of cool little miracles this week too. I'll just stick with two super sick ones right now though due to time.

On Friday I was supposed to go down to Brussel for some mission business with Elder Crowder, Elder Fairbanks, Elder Sosa, and Elder Stanger. I was supposed to catch the train to Leiden at 7:15 and after a series of very unfortunate events (mostly due to me forgetting my train pass and our apartment being a fifteen minute bike ride from the station) we missed that train and missed the 7:45 as well. It was pretty lame. I was looking forward to that day in Brussel, but God showed me, as He has done so many times over the last 8 months, that His plan is more important than mine. And this is His time not mine. We were able to make a few appointments with some super cool people and then we went to knock doors. At one point we were about to knock this door and a lady walking down the sidewalk was like "That's my door, what do you two want?" (except in Dutch of course). We told her why we were there and she told us that she could only talk for 20 minutes. Perfect. So she let us in and 5 minutes later her neighbor showed up and sat down with us too. We talked with them for a bit, got to know them, said a prayer, and set up another time this week to come. It was cool. It would not have happened if I had gone to Brussel.

After church on Sunday we were outside talking to some members and a lady walked up. Her name is Liesebet. We gave her a Book of Mormon a few weeks ago and asked her to read it. She said she would but we hadn't seen her again since then. She came up and started talking to us and told us that she has been reading the Book of Mormon everyday since then and she hasn't been able to stop. She said that it's answered questions she has had and she feels happy and peaceful when she reads it. She said that she'll come to church next week hopefully and that she knows she still has a lot to change and a lot to work on but she is so thankful for the Book of Mormon and how much it has already helped her. It was amazing! Such a cool miracle. It really strengthened my testimony of the Book of Mormon and the happiness that reading it and feeling the love of God through it can bring. It's that kind of miracle that every missionary works and waits for.

It was a fun week though. Saturday night we all got our transfer calls. Elder Knaupp will be heading to Den Haag and I'm getting Elder Harp as a new companion. I'm pretty excited. I've had the opportunity to work around him a little bit when I was in Rotterdam and recently he has been in Assen so I've been able to work with him here too. It'll be sick. I'm looking forward to learning a lot from him and sharing this blessed city of Zwolle with him. 

Love you all and everybody have a wonderful last week of January. Make good choices and read the Book of Mormon and remember Heavenly Father loves you and has a plan for you.
- Elder Wright