2 Nephi 2:6 - "Wherefore, redemption cometh in and through the Holy Messiah; for he is full of grace and truth."
Dear family and friends,
So, this was a special week. On Saturday evening I had the opportunity to witness the baptism of Francien. It was a really cool experience and I´m very happy for her. She set up everything for her baptismal program and chose her own hymns and everything and it was cool. We had a good amount of members show up and some really cool talks on baptism and the gift of the Holy Ghost were given. Francien asked Harry to baptize her and that was fun to see. Francien will be a great member and disciple of Christ. She is such a nice person and is super duper spiritual which is great because that will help her as she continues her journey to come unto Christ and as she makes her way to the temple. Go Francien.
Francien´s baptism
That was the highlight of the week. We also had a super cool, and our last, appointment with our American investigator Chris. He´s awesome and really a pure-hearted guy. He´s with the Air Force and will be going back to America and will be stationed in Los Angeles close to where his Mormon girlfriend lives (he met her and decided to investigate the church that she is a member of). We shared the Gospel of Jesus Christ with him and testified of Christ and of the power of God´s love. He asked how he will know when he is ready to take the next step (be baptized) and we showed him Alma 5:26 and talked about experiencing "a change of heart" and "singing the song of redeeming love". We told that he will know when that has happened, it will come naturally as he continues his search.
Cool kerkhof/graveyard in Eindhoven
This next week is going to be pretty cool. We´re going to do a bunch of service and go to Keukenhof and have a Zone Conference and have Stake Conference and I am 99% sure we will be seeing President Uchtdorf at some point this week. Busy busy busy. I´m stoked to be a missionary for three more weeks. I hope you all have a great week!
Elder Wright