Luke 12:6-7 -> Are not five sparrows sold for two farthings, and not one of them is forgotten before God. But even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not therefore: ye are of more value than many sparrows."
Dear family and friends,
I am now serving in Eindhoven! It was fun/eventful week. It was lame having to say goodbye to everybody, especially Familie Reiche, Whitney, Diana, and our other investigators as well. On Wednesday afternoon Elder Gemmell went off to Gouda and I traveled down to Eindhoven. Unfortunately we left a little later because we had to wait for the elders replacing us to give them keys and the phones, so I had to leave my bike half-way in Utrecht because you can't take bikes on the trains between 16:00 and 19:00. It's okay though because I got it back today and we were able to stop and get lunch at the Doner shop that's under a beautiful mosque close by the station in Utrecht.
I was able to meet a few of the investigators this week. I met Dave and Kiona on Friday and we had a lekker lunch and a super cool, spiritual Plan of Salvation lesson with them. I think Dave loved it because he seemed a little speechless afterwards and I think he definitely had felt the Spirit. We'll be going back there this next week for lunch again and to follow up a little and see how they feel and if they have questions. They have a little baby named Juliaan and he's super funny and smiley. On Saturday I got to meet and teach our Bulgarian student friend Ventieslav. Cool name huh? Yeah he's super chill and said he'd hook me up with 50gb of his electronic Dutch music... yeah almost there. Anyway we also shared the Plan of Salvation with him and Elder Prickett and I are really enjoying teaching that. He seemed to understand it well and I feel like the Spirit was also very strong during the time we had with him. It was super cool. He also has already read 1 Nephi which is cool. I'm not quite sure how long he's been investigating but I don't think it's been all that long.
I've really enjoyed Eindhoven and am excited to get to know the city better and also meet more investigators and members. It's fun getting to know Elder Prickett better as well and working with him. He's a great person and we have some fun conversations. I'll learn a lot from him. It's also been fun working a little with Harry van der Sande the 85-year-old missionary. He's a funny guy and adds a fun element to the work here.
I love you all and hope everybody has an amazing week! It's getting warmer here and I hope it is wherever all of you are!
Elder Wright
Pics - Goodbye to family Reiche, my new companions, super cool mosque in Utrecht, cool thing in Eindhoven