Hebrews 12:2 - "Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God."
Dear family and friends,
Well this was a very busy week and we were still able to get a bit of missionary work in which was nice. We had a few appointments fall through here and there, but were still able to see Francien on Wednesday! She´s doing great and seems to be adjusting well to the "new life" that she has started. She´s a great woman. I found out that Diana, from Almere, will be getting baptized on 6 May, rather than this Saturday, which is a bummer because I won´t be able to see her but is still amazing that she is taking that next step! Go Diana! We have gotten a whole load of referrals from people who have ordered the ´Lamb of God´ dvds from the church for the Easter season. We will be spending a lot of my last two weeks as a missionary finding those people, some of whom lives in little towns in the middle of nowhere. That will be an adventure and it will be cool to see if any of them are interested in learning more. Other than that we also got this cool potential, half-Spanish family while knocking doors on Saturday and they said they´d watch the Prince of Peace video and we could come back so I´m excited to see them again. I love the people here! Honestly though, I will miss the Dutch people, and all of the people who are not actually Dutch but still live here. They are super funny and quirky and direct and it´s helped me and I´ve learned a lot. It´s been an adventure bringing more light and happiness into their lives for the past two years, even if it is just by asking them quickly if they want to learn about Christ before they slam the door or by giving them a smile or saying ´goedemorgen´. They are cool people and I love them.
We were busy with conferences this week. On Wednesday night we slept over in Tilburg and then Thursday morning, very early, we trained to Breda and jumped on a bus with the missionaries from the Antwerpen Zone to head to Zoetermeer for Zone Conference. It was a good one and they talked a lot about sharing the gospel with young people. It´s kind of sad I only get to impliment that (as a full-time missionary at least) for a little bit longer, but it will be fun to try out. I was able to share my ´dying testimony´ at that conference along with other amazing missionaries from my group. It´s cool to see how much they have grown through the years. It´s a fun group.
After the Conference we bussed to Keukenhof and I honestly cannot tell you how fun that was. It was pretty cool and very nice to chat with some pretty neat missionaries that I didn´t expect to see before I would go home. Fun fun fun. The flowers were nice too.
On Saturday evening Elder Prickett and I ventured down to Sint-Niklaas, Belgium where we slept over before Stake Conference the next day in Brussels. This Stake Conference was a big one as they announced that units would be closed all over our stake. Some members will have to travel a bit farther, but it is a plan that will strengthen the members and creat a better foundation for the youth to build upon. I´m excited to hear about how the adjustment goes. My old branch, Tilburg, is on of the units closed. Kind of sad, but it´ll be good for them to join another ward and have some more support.
It was also Easter on Sunday, of course, and it was cool to be able to celebrate Christ´s ressurection and Atonement. That scripture I put up at the top is one I found this week and it´s been a really important one for me and really grown on me. I love how it says "...who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross..." Jesus saw the joy that would come from His sacrifice and chose to suffer and die and live for us. There are a lot of things in life where we have to wait, or where we go through a trial or something, that are hard to endure, but if we look at the joy that will result in our patience and faith and love, it is completely and 100% worth it. I love my Savior and am thankful for Him and for the friendship that I have developed with Him over my lifetime and how it has been strengthened over the course of the past two years. He makes it possible for me to choose each and everyday to be happy and to have joy and I´m super duper thankful for that. I love Jesus.
I also love you all and hope this week finds you happy. Biggest news of the week though, JAKE HAS BEEN CALLED TO SERVE IN KOREA HOLY CRAP GO JAKE!!! He´s going to be amazing and Korean will be fun to learn... Kenai and Sascha better watch out when he gets back home haha.
Elder Wright