Proverbs 4:18 - "But the path of the just is as the shining light, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day."
Dear family and friends,
Okay this will actually be more just about this past week because I don't remember too much about the week before that. The weeks all just kind of blur together at this point.
This week was siiiick though. First of all, big news, Francien wants to be baptized! She is such a cool lady. She is very spiritual and does lots of stuff with energy and that jazz but yesterday we had a lesson with her and we were talking about a date and she said she had prayed about it and feels that 8 April is the right date. She said it feels right and also it's around the time of Easter. Also, she was inspired because the week before that is General Conference and the week after is Stake Conference so both of those weeks would not have worked. Dang go Francien and the Spirit. Team work. We're excited for her though. We chatted about the Word of Wisdom and she's basically already living it so that's chill. She'll be a great member and having the gospel in her life will be a blessing.
Other news. The weather here is beautiful. Seriously I mean it's not super duper warm but when we were biking on Friday and Saturday i was able to take off my jacket and just go short sleeves and that was nice. This whole week should be blue skies and decently nice weather as well so I'm excited. Missionary work is great in the cold and rain, but somehow nice weather just makes it a little bit better.
We were biking to an appointment and found these abandoned buildings that are probably used for college parties (evidence found around the courtyard) but in the day time the area must just be used as a parking lot. Super neat:
Also funny story. Friday and Saturday were national service days in the Netherlands known as NL Doet Dag(en?). We did some gardening with a member on Friday and then on Saturday we had signed up to help clean this playground close to the church... unfortunately we got there and nobody else showed up and the playground was about 6ft by 12ft and there were like two pieces of trash on it. We ended up cleaning that up and then going and tidying up the church yard. We did get a nice pic though:
Sunday a member, Broeder Veenstra, gave a super cool talk. Near the end of his talk he spoke of some questions that he thinks Jesus will ask us during our "judgement". One of them was "You could've mad a small celestial kingdom there, you could've been happy there, why didn't you do that?" He made the point that we don't need to wait for heaven to be happy or to have the celestial kingdom. We can start now. We can do everything we can now to make the best out of what we have and make our lives celestial. I loved that and one thing that I took away is that I have no reason to ever be unhappy or to not have joy. I have a Heavenly Father who loves me and that is enough. Life sucks sometimes and things get hard, but we can choose to be happy and have joy as we focus on the love of our Father in Heaven and on our end goal of becoming like Him and living celestially.
Haha the third hour priesthood lesson we talked about respecting women and treating them like daughters of God and one of the brothers shared a quote from President Monson considering marriage: "Choose your love and love your choice".
I hope you all have an amazing week and i love you all. Happy almost Spring!
Elder Wright